Key Publications


The following peer reviewed publications provide a web of hard evidence that we have exposed ourselves to existential threats on a number of fronts.  Successful mitigation of climate change and returning to living within planetary boundaries depends on first acknowledging and accepting that growth in population and material consumption need to be curbed and then reduced. Greta Thunberg tells us that she doesn't believe in the “win-win'" of green growth. She tells us that real change is costly, real change requires giving things up, the loss of power and privilege, new systems, new ways of life. Greta Thunberg says that with her Asperger's syndrome, she sees the issue of climate change as being black and white. We don't need to have Asperger's syndrome to realise that the issue of climate change is black and white. We simply need to curb and reduce our burning of fossil fuels. Greta says she wouldn't give a pep talk about hope. If this approach had worked in the past, then greenhouse gas emissions would have gone down by now. Greta says if we are to have hope, then we must act now! The time for mere talk is over. Once we have action, then hope is everywhere.


The following list will be added to over time.

Capellán-Pérez, I., Mediavilla, M., de Castro, C., Carpintero, Ó., Miguel, L.J., (2015). More growth? An unfeasible option to overcome critical energy constraints and climate change. Sustainability Science 10, 397411:


Capellán-Pérez, I.; de Castro, C.; Miguel González, L.J. (2019). Dynamic Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) and Material Requirements in Scenarios of Global Transition to Renewable EnergiesEnergy Strategy Rev. 2019, 26, 100399:


Chapman, I., (2014). The end of Peak Oil? Why this topic is still relevant despite recent denials. Energy Policy 64, 93101:


Climate Action Tracker, (2021). Warming Projections Global Update, May 2021:


Delannoy, L., Longaretti, P., Murphy, D., and Prados, E., (2021). Peak oil and the low-carbon energy transition: A net-energy perspective, Applied Energy, Elsevier, 2021, 304, pp.1-17:


Dryden, H. and D. Duncan, (2021). Climate regulating ocean plants and animals are being destroyed by toxic chemicals and plastics, accelerating our path towards ocean pH 7.95 in 25 years which will devastate humanity. Environmental Science eJournal, Vol1 , No. 28, June 17:


Giampietro, M, K. Mayumi, and J. Ramos-Martin, (2006) Can biofuels replace fossil energy fuels? a multi-scale integrated analysis based on the concept of societal and ecosystem metabolism: Part 1, International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research, Vol. 1, p 51-87:


Hall, C.A.S., Lambert, J.G., Balogh, S.B., (2014), EROI of different fuels and the implications for society. Energy Policy 64, 141–152:


Hall, C.A.S., Lambert, J.G., Balogh, S.B., (2014). EROI of different fuels and the implications for society. Energy Policy 64, 141152:


Heard, B.P., Brook, B.W., Wigley, T.M.L., Bradshaw, C.J.A., (2017). Burden of proof: A comprehensive review of the feasibility of 100% renewable-electricity systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 76, 11221133:


Herrington, G., (2021). Update to limits to growth: Comparing the World3 model with empirical data, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 25(3): 614-626:


Hickel, J., Kallis, G., (2020). Is Green Growth Possible? New Political Economy 25, 469–486:


IPCC (2022). Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Summary for Policymakers:


IPCC (2022). Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change, Summary for Policymakers:


International Energy Agency, (2021). The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions


Keen, S. The appallingly bad neoclassical economics of climate change. Globalization website publication, (2021):


Lambert, J.G., C.A.S. Hall, S. Balogh, A. Gupta, and M. Arnold, (2014). Energy, EROI, and Quality of Life, Energy Policy vol. 64, pp. 153-167:


Lenton, T.M., Held, H., Kriegler, E., Hall, J.W., Lucht, W., Rahmstorf, S., Schellnhuber, H., (2008). Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v.105, pp. 1786–93:


MacKay, D.J.C. (2009). Sustainable Energy — Without the Hot Air. Cambridge, UIT Cambridge Ltd, 378 pp:


McGlade, C. and P. Ekins, (2015). The geographical distribution of fossil fuels unused when limiting global warming to 2° C, Nature 517, 187-190, 2015:


McGlade, C., Ekins, P., (2014). Un-burnable oil: An examination of oil resource utilisation in a decarbonised energy system, Energy Policy 64, 102–112:


Michaux, S. (2019). ‘Oil from a Critical Raw Material Perspective’, Geological Survey of Finland Unit, 510 pp:


Michaux, S.P, (2019), The Mining of Minerals and the Limits to Growth, Geological Survey of Finland:


Michaux, S.P., (2021), Assessment of the Extra Capacity Required of Alternative Energy Electrical Power Systems to Completely Replace Fossil Fuels, Geological Survey of Finland:


Millward-Hopkins, J., Steinberger, J.K., Rao, N.D., and Oswald, Y., (2020). Providing decent living with minimum energy: A Global scenario. Global Environmental Change, Volume 65:


Mudd, G., (2009), Historical Trends in Base Metal Mining: Backcasting to Understand the Sustainability of Mining, Proceedings 48th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, Canadian Metallurgical Society, Sudbury, 2009 August. Update by Mudd, 2012:


Murphy, D., Hall, C.A.S, Dale, M., Cleveland, C., (2011), Order from Chaos: a preliminary protocol for determining the EROI of fuels, Sustainability3,1888–1907:


Murphy, T., (2021), Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet: Assessing and Adapting to Planetary Limits, Published by eScholarship, University of California:


Myers, K. FG, Doran, P.T., Cook, J., Koycher, J.E., and Myers, T.A., (2021) Consensus revisited, quantifying scientific agreement on climate change and climate expertise among Earth scientists 10 years later:


Parrique T., Barth J., Briens F„ C. Kerschner, Kraus-Polk A., Kuokkanen A., Spangenberg, J.H., (2019). Decoupling Debunked, Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability.


Pearse, R. and S. Bohm (2014).  Ten Reasons Why Carbon Markets Will Not Bring About Radical Emissions Reduction’, Carbon Management, 13 pp:


Rockström, J. et al.. (2009). A safe operating space for humanity. Nature 461, 472–475:


Seibert, M., and Rees, W., (2021). Through the Eye of a Needle: An Eco-Heterodox Perspective on the Renewable Energy Transition, Energies 14, no. 15: 4508:


Sgouridis, Csala, and U. Bardi, (2016). Quantifying the narrowing net-energy pathways to a global energy transition’, Environmental Research Letters,


Sgouridis, S., Csala, D., and U. Bardi, (2016). The sowers way: quantifying the narrowing net-energy pathways to a global energy transition. Environ. Res. Lett. 11, 094009.


Sgouridis, Csala, and U. Bardi,  (2016). Quantifying the narrowing net-energy pathways to a global energy transition, Environmental Research Letters,  https://doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/9/094009


Shindell, D., Smith, C.J., (2019). Climate and air-quality benefits of a realistic phase-out of fossil fuels. Nature 573, 408–411:


Sovacool, B.K, Ali, S.H., Bazilian, M., Radley, B., Nemery, B., Okatz, J, and Mulvaney, D., (2020). Sustainable Minerals and Metals for a Low-Carbon Future. Science 367 (6473 30-33:


Steffen, W. et al, (2015). Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet, Science 347:


Steffen, W., Rockström, J., Richardson, K., Lenton, T.M., Folke, C., Liverman, D., Summerhayes, C.P., Barnosky, A.D., Cornell, S.E., Crucifix, M., Donges, J.F., Fetzer, I., Lade, S.J., Scheffer, M., Winkelmann, R., Schellnhuber, H.J., (2018). Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115, 8252–8259:


Taleb, N.N, Read, R., Douady, R., Norman, J., and Bar-Yam, Y., (2014). The Precautionary Principle (with Application to the Genetic Modification of Organisms). arXiv:1410.5787:


UNEP, (2011). Assessing Mineral Resources in Society: Metal Stocks & Recycling Rates:


Winkelmann, R., A. Levermann, A. Ridgwell, and K. Caldeira, (2015). Combustion of available fossil fuel resources sufficient to eliminate the Antarctic Ice Sheet, Science Advances, vol. 1, e1500589: Combustion_of_available_fossil_fuel_resources_sufficient_to_eliminate_the_Antarctic_Ice_Sheet


Wynes, S., Nicholas, K.A., (2017). The climate mitigation gap: education and government recommendations miss the most effective individual actions. Environ. Res. Lett. 12, 074024:


Xu, Y., Ramanathan, V., & Victor, D.G., (2018). Global warming will happen faster than we think, Nature, 564 30-32, 5 December 2018: